Combined Early Childhood Leader's & Preschool Literacy Network 2023-24
Starting 11/1/2023 at 12:00 PM until 1:30 PM
Event Groups:
• State Support Team 7 - District Events

Combined Early Childhood Leader's & Preschool Literacy Network 2023-24

This combined early childhood virtual network serves as a universal support for preschool building and district leaders with state and federal guidance impacting regional preschool programs and best practices in early childhood literacy.

Dates: October 5, 2023; November 1, 2023; February 1, 2024; and April 10, 2023

Time:  12:00-1:30 pm

Audience:  Administrators, Teacher Leaders, Community Partners


Register Using this Link:  Registration Form


For Questions Contact:

Tom Main, Early Childhood Consultant SST 7

[email protected]


Erin Adkins, Regional Early Literacy Specialist SST 7

[email protected]



1495 W. Longview Avenue

Mansfield, Ohio 44906

(800) 424-7372 (419) 747-4808

Virtual from SST7