Accessibility for ALL Students
Starting 4/23/2024 at 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM
Event Groups:
Accessibility for ALL Students
Shawna Benson: Program Director of Teaching Diverse Learners Center at OCALI


TOPIC: Ready, Set, Implement: Putting it all Together
DATES:  April 23, 2024
TIME: 10:00-11:00 am

Description: SST 7 will be offering a new professional development series this year with a
focus on ensuring that ALL students have access to Tier 1 instruction. From students with
sensory disabilities to students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, each session will
provide you with the opportunity to build your knowledge while also connecting it to situations
that you are currently facing with providing Tier 1 accessibility for ALL students. This new and
exciting professional development series will include asynchronous and synchronous learning
while also incorporating the opportunity to gain information from other regional educational
leaders. We are very excited about this new journey and hope you will join us!

Register Using this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6VMFNY_FjqYQYkGlnqFCt--lcfkxuBeIGAVGGomegxhJHYQ/viewform
For questions, contact:
Olivia Siegfried

SST 7 
1495 West Longview Avenue, Suite 200
Mansfield, OH 44906
