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Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

24-25 Ohio PBIS Recognition Updates

Please go to the Department of Education and Workforce webpage to see the Ohio PBIS Recognition requirements. 

A few important notes:

  • You will be applying directly through the Department. There is no longer an Intent to Apply Form through SST7. You will fill out a SurveyMonkey Survey link for your application. 
  • The application window is from April 1 - April 30th.
  • The Department will email notification of recognition status by October 15, 2025. 
  • You can still apply for Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards. Please look at the above link for the list of requirements for each award level. 
  • You can choose either to submit the TFI 2.1 or the TFI 3.0 for this year's recognition. For the 25-26 Ohio PBIS Recognition process, you will be required to submit the TFI 3.0. 
  • SST7 will be providing Ohio PBIS Recognition Office Hours. Please consider attending one or both days. If these days do not work, please contact Anne Ditlevson ([email protected]) and we will do our best to meet at a different time.  
  • In March 2024, the Department will release a resource document via the webpage linked above with instructions and FAQ tied to the application to help you prepare. is now offering the official Ohio PBIS Tier 1 Training modules. These are on-demand, self-paced modules designed to use for anyone in a student facing role. These training modules can be used for PBIS teams, community members, families, school personnel, and for professional development. There are 14 modules that are tied to the new TFI 3.0. Please contact Anne Ditlevson ([email protected]) if you have further questions. 

2023-2024 Ohio PBIS Recognition Winners

District Recognition

Galion City Schools
Mansfield City Schools
School-Wide Recognition
Gold Recognition
John Sherman Elementary - Mansfield City Schools
Mansfield Middle School - Mansfield City Schools
Mansfield Senior High School - Mansfield City Schools
Springmill STEM Elementary - Mansfield City Schools
Woodland Elementary School – Mansfield City Schools

Silver Recognition
Galion Intermediate School - Galion City Schools
Galion Primary School - Galion City Schools
Knox County Career Center
Malabar Intermediate School - Mansfield City Schools
Mifflin Elementary School - Madison Local Schools
Spanish Immersion School - Mansfield City Schools
Stingel Elementary School - Ontario Local Schools
Tyger Digital Academy - Mansfield City Schools

Bronze Recognition 
Buckeye Central Middle School - Buckeye Central Local Schools 
Clear Fork Middle School - Clear Fork Valley Local Schools 
Dan Emmett Elementary School - Mount Vernon City Schools
Danville Elementary School - Danville Local Schools 
East Knox Junior/Senior High School - East Knox Local Schools
Eastern Elementary School - Lexington Local Schools
Galion High School - Galion City Schools
Galion Middle School - Galion City Schools
Mount Gilead Middle School - Mount Gilead Exempted Village School District
Rutherford B. Hayes Elementary School - Marion City Schools
Wiggin Street Elementary School - Mount Vernon City Schools
Willard Elementary School - Willard City Schools
Willard Middle School - Willard City Schools

What is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?

Ohio PBIS Logo

PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in the selection, integration and implementation of evidence-based practices for improving academic, social and behavior outcomes for all students. The PBIS process emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision making, evidence based interventions and practices that support varying student needs (multi-tiered), systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices, and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met.

PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. PBIS is a systems change process that requires on-going commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and social-emotional skills.

SST 7 PBIS Contact


Anne Ditlevson, Consultant
Telephone: 419.747.4808
Toll Free: 800.424.7372
Fax: 419.747.3806

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