In Ohio, students with disabilities (who have an IEP), formally enter into the secondary transition planning process beginning with the IEP that will be in place when the student turns age 14 (or younger, if appropriate). A truly successful transition process is the outcome of comprehensive and collaborative team planning through which the student, family, school, and other invited providers design a set of services and activities that will move the student toward achievement of post graduation goals in the areas of integrated employment, education, and independent living. The process utilizes age appropriate transition assessments and draws upon the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests to determine the needs that will drive next steps to be accomplished through those services or activities.
At State Support Team Region 7, we champion that work through coaching and technical assistance of state and federally mandated expectations as well as best practice and research. We reinforce the training(s) of the Ohio Department of Education’s Office for Exceptional Children and we provide Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports as needs are determined through Regional and District Data. Through braided and cross-training networks, we encourage Local Education Agencies to embed the work of transition into all pathways leading to graduation, including: Career Advising, Closing the Gap, Diverse Learner Leaders, Early Childhood, Family Engagement, Literacy, School Improvement, and the Whole Child Series. We also support the Tier 2 and Tier 3 needs of districts participating in Internal or External Monitoring Processes.