The Ohio PBIS framework delineates a comprehensive, school-wide system of behavioral support. PBIS incorporates proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors that contribute to a positive school environment. This approach includes a focus on:
Common behavior expectations that are posted, taught and reinforced
Systematic teaching of behavioral expectations
Proactive discipline policies that focus on prevention
Data- based decision-making to guide staff in responding to problem behavior
The Early Childhood model of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) incorporates three levels of prevention and intervention designed to meet the social-emotional needs of all young children. Within early childhood settings, PBIS is a program-wide approach focusing on the social emotional development of all children. High quality environments, nurturing and responsive relationships, and intentional social skills instruction characterize PBIS in early childhood settings. Implementation of PBIS in early childhood settings reflects a focus on building positive relationships between children, families and staff as well as maintaining safe, organized and predictable environments.